
New community nursery seeks volunteers for start up

Headshot of Warren Hately
Warren HatelyAugusta Margaret River Times
Nursery enthusiasts Federico Bruton, Dr Ann Ward, Jeremy Akerman, Lauren Scanlon and Tracy Skippings at the newnative garden.
Camera IconNursery enthusiasts Federico Bruton, Dr Ann Ward, Jeremy Akerman, Lauren Scanlon and Tracy Skippings at the newnative garden. Credit: Warren Hately/Augusta-Margaret River Times

Residents keen to get involved in a new community plant nursery at the ground level have the chance to join a meet-and-greet planned for this Saturday, August 17.

The new Margaret River Community Nursery project will aim to meet a critical gap in the efforts of local conservationists and home gardeners needing tube stock.

From 10am to 12pm at the Old Goods Shed on Clarke Road, an information session will seek to harness a fresh volunteer workforce to bring the project to fruition.

Former Shire of Augusta-Margaret River infrastructure director Wayne Prangnell is one of the faces behind the project.

The engineer-turned-farmer told the Times the proposed nursery was a prized opportunity for residents needing natives for their waterwise and conservation-minded gardens.

“This nursery is about more than just growing plants, it’s about restoring ecosystems, protecting biodiversity, and building a sustainable future together,” he said.

The nursery committee hope to build a small team of volunteers who didn’t need much experience except a willingness to learn.

To get involved, email mrrenvirocentre@gmail.com

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