Telethon and RAC team up for a life-changing Christmas gift to seven-year-old Rose

Rose’s early Christmas gift of a custom-adapted trike, thanks to Telethon donations, will mean she can independently bike ride at the park and cycle to school.
The seven-year-old with Down Syndrome is now able to pedal fast and brake on her new trike, which wasn’t possible on a traditional bike due to her challenges with strength and stability.
She was surprised with the tricycle customised by Technology for the Ageing and Disability WA on Monday, thanks to a partnership between Telethon and RAC.

The trike includes a parent-controlled handle and modified brakes.
Rose’s mother Laura said the customised tricycle would have a huge impact on their family.
“This is just going to make life a little bit easier in terms of being able to cycle to school as for the last few years we’ve had a bike that Rose hasn’t been able to pedal so I’ve had to push the bike to school most days,” she said.
“This is going to give Rose an ability to cycle independently with her little brother.
“We are going to go on a camping trip in January at a caravan park and all of her cousins have bikes and she’s never really been able to keep up with them so it will be very exciting.”
Rose said her favourite part of the bike was the pink basket as she could put a speaker playing music in it while riding.

“We are really grateful that Telethon donated this bike,” Laura said.
“It’s not something we would have been able to afford as they’re quite expensive to get modified.”
The Christmas gift was made possible thanks to the White Zebra Foundation, which helps with access to physiotherapy for children with disabilities, who nominated young Rose as she loves bike riding and participates in Wize Athletic Days.
“RAC is delighted, in partnership with TADWA, to support Rose with her new trike, helping her enjoy greater independence and freedom in her daily life,” RAC external relations general manager Will Golsby said.
“These donations form part of RAC’s contribution to WA Bike Month, which seeks to encourage people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the benefits of bike riding.”
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